Webinar Series on TeachIllinois
TeachIllinois leverages videoconferencing technology to bring experts into your space. Webinars allow for coaching, collaboration, and conversations to take place, which is where learning really happens.
Educator Wellness Online Summit
Recharge and refresh after this crazy 2019-2020 school year! Educator Wellness is too important of a topic to dismiss, so TeachIllinois has teamed up with the Directions Conference to bring you this virtual event in place of the annual conference which had to be rescheduled for June, 2021.
Mastering Online Teaching Webinar Series
As part of our initial response to schools closing this Spring, we launched a Mastering Online Teaching Webinar Series with 6 experts in all realms of teaching to help you restructure and rethink your teaching. Sessions were recorded and can now be found on teachillinois.org for viewing and PD Hours.
Copyright 2020, Illinois Association for Regional Superintendents of Schools